
Footprints in the Ashes

Type: Adult
Price: $16.99


Footprints in the Ash
by Morris/Austen

With stunning photography, discover how the eruption of Mount St. Helens help explain Noah’s flood! A fascinating pictorial review of the 1980 volcanic eruption that shocked the world.

The eruption of a landmark mountain had begun. In the aftermath, amid the rivers of mud, blankets of ash, and eerie quiet, scientists made a startling discovery: "nature" was bringing life out of death, re-claiming from the destruction a teeming colony of plant and animal life. Most amazing of all, the geological upheavals had re-created the processes of old that had carved out such marvels as the Grand Canyon. Today, the site stands as a testament to the power of God, who upholds all of creation. In His infinite wisdom, He has shown the modern science of geology that the earth is much, much younger than many suspected.

As creation scientists have carefully studied this geological phenomenon, they have concluded that Mount St. Helens accomplished the same sort of geologic work that biblical creationists attribute to Noah’s flood. While this explosion was certainly much smaller in scale and intensity, many lessons were learned through this occurrence that help us understand the unobservable past. Journey back to this catastrophic event with scientists Dr. Steve Austin and Dr. John Morris and see what was discovered as they reconstruct the sequence of earthquakes, eruptions, avalanches, mudflows, and other geologic processes and unveil their fascinating research findings!

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