
You Can Lead An Atheist ...

Type: Adult
Price: $22.95


You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence
but You Can't Make Him Think

Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort uses a lively Q & A format, based on actual questions from atheists on his blog at "Atheist Central", to lay bare the weakness of the atheist's argument, but he does so with good-natured humor and warmth.

Indeed, few authors have appealed so passionately to the atheist's conscience. Comfort does much more than outline powerful empirical evidence of God's existence; he reveals to atheists how desperately they need His love and forgiveness.

A new breed of militant atheists aims to eliminate Christianity. Believers need powerful weapons to "fight the good fight of faith." Whether you're answering an atheist at the office or reassuring your child after his faith comes under assault in the classroom, you need to have this important new book. God's existence is easy to prove – and this book teaches anyone how to do it.

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